Thank you. Thank you, Tammy Gilley for coming up with this great concept. Thank you to everyone who participated in this wonderful collaborative project. Thank you for waiting patiently for me to finish my end of it. Thank you to Jennifer Paganelli for providing the backing and for creating all of the beautiful scraps that made up these 30 squares. Thank you to the girls at Make and Mingle for inviting us to use their space to hold our "bee".
This quilt will be raffled off for $5./ticket or 5 tickets for $20.00. If you would like to be a part of the raffle, leave a comment and I will send you the ticket. You can send me a check, or pay via Paypal. It will be on display at Witchypoo in Wilton, Ct from today, Sunday May 30th-Tuesday June 1st. It will then be at Make and Mingle until a winner will be chosen Friday June 11th. It is 74''x 90", 100 % organic cotton batting, with a candy striped backing. The money will go to Marilyn W. Dugan Foundation, Inc. who has done a lot of work to raise funds and bring supplies to Port au Prince.
There were enough quilt squares to make 2 quilts, the 2nd one- hopefully done by June 1st, will be going to Haiti with Tammy's people sometime in the month of June.
I have to say, I can't wait to collaborate on another quilt like this. It really was a joyful experience. Next time, we'll make it a pot luck! It's going to be hard to let go, especially for Ollie, but I know it will go to a good home.