Our local publication, Wilton Magazine, did a quick ten minute interview with Tim (when Christopher Walken cancelled at the last minute!)... thanks, Chris.
Carolyn Rundle Field did a great job, and I love the portrait by Pam Barkentin- so pensive!
What they couldn't cover in ten minutes was what a great dad and husband he is. He is passionate about gardening and has even started an eco-friendly way to compost horse manure- "The Entre-Manure" blog to come! We will have a booth at Wilton Go Green Festival on May 2nd. In the meantime, check his blog, "The Light Whisperer".
He plays the piano, learning as an adult, and now devotes many hours playing with Acoustic Wilton, which is a group of fabulous musicians on a mission to cure cancer and raise funds for Relay for Life. The next concert is May 14th, an all night vigil at Wilton High School.
He loves wood working and helps me whenever I need power tool abilities for my crafts... I'm limited to the glue gun for good reason!
Did I mention he make the best Mexican food? His Mom, Clarita, was from Sonora.
Thirty years is a long time to be with someone, and I can tell you he never stops surprising me, or making me laugh. A true renaissance man... at times my knight in shining armor.
Keep in mind , however, my favorite saying:
"Behind every great man there is a woman... rolling her eyes!"(Jim Carey)
(The picture at the bottom was taken 30 years ago by Bruce Weber in Barbados, on that fateful trip...)
you are one lucky lady! that photo of you two in barbados is adorable. you can tell by the look on your face that you loved him even then. so sweet and wonderful, nancy. cheers to many more joy-filled years ahead for you both. xok
I saw the article yesterday. Fabulous! Congrats to Tim! LOVE his work.
that picture says it all....true love ;)
Nancy--how great! I am going to drive back to Wilton just to get a copy of the magazine!
Congratulations to you and Tim--fame and happiness just seem to follow some people wherever they
go. . .
Congratulations Tim! And thanks to Nancy for sharing. The more I learn about both of you, the more I am in awe! That picture taken in Barbados is what great photographic moments can convey. To be that comfortable, that intimate, and to share such great chemistry with CURLERS IN YOUR HAIR gives me hope that there are men who see us for who we are - and can never get enough. Fantastic!
Liz Heilner
hi nancy
that has to be the sweetest of all pictures -
as lola would say OMG
no wonder he scooped you up : )
what a great article - congrats to tim!
hope to see you guys soon.
omg so sweet!!! I love that pic of the two of you.
Nancy & Tim- that is so wonderful. You guys are the best. That picture is to die for
this is so great! My favorite East Coast couple- Love you guys.
what a tribute! so great
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